The Best Shoes for Teachers

The Best Shoes for Teachers

Being a teacher is not as easy as we might think. Teachers have a great responsibility of educating, role modeling, and instilling habits and behaviors that will accompany children through their adult lives. And all this is done standing on their feet all day! This is very exhausting and of course can take a toll on the feet & body which can lead to pain, injuries or the development of certain conditions. 

Standing long hours has been linked to Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs),  injuries that affect the body’s movement in muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, discs, and blood vessels.

These disorders can produce conditions like tendonitis, lower back pain, plantar fasciitis and ball of the foot pain, to name a few. That said, studies have shown that wearing comfortable and appropriate footwear has an impact on preventing and treating MSDs. Since we care and admire all educators out there, we have ranked our five best and most comfortable shoes for teachers.

     1. Colorsty - Most Comfortable Sneakers


 Our shoes within its design Colorsty’s Ortho-Cushion Technology that helps relieve foot and heel pain, works wonders for sensitive feet, and helps alleviate and prevent most mobility issues. Most importantly, it has a built in orthotic insole that reinforces good posture throughout the day by supporting the arch and aligning our body to eliminate  back ache and soreness at the end of the day!

It will fit your feet like a glove thanks to the stretchable upper it has. It will conform to your foot shape and is a must buy for anyone with bunions, hammertoes and swollen feet. You will also move more easily and effortlessly because of the ergonomics sole design that propels the foot forward and adds spring to your step. 

The only difficult decision you will need to make is what color to purchase! Coral is available in an assortment of 9 colors that will pair with whatever you wear for the day on the job.  

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